Monday, June 22, 2015

Tobii Dynavox

Technology has helped so many people with special needs. One of the most amazing products (in my opinion) is the Tobii Dynavox.  This device makes communication possible for those with ALS, cerebral palsy, or any other disability that prevents someone from speaking.  This device looks like an iPad at first glance, but does so much more.  With this device, the user can load various phrases they would like to select to speak, or use the more generic phrases (like bathroom).  The computer speaks what the user would like it to say, which is pretty amazing.  Unlike an iPad, to select various apps or phrases, one can just blink at screen or dwell their eyes on the screen.  The Tobii Dynavox has sensors at the bottom which scan for eye movement.  That way, the device can detect where the user's eyes are going and, therefore, have them navigate using their eyes only.

This device has made it possible to understand the cognitive capabilities of many children who have difficulty speaking.  It has opened up many doors for the disabled.  Many children grow frustrated when they can't tell someone what they want, need, or any ideas they may have.  This device is one of the most incredible pieces of technology I have ever seen.  To learn more, watch the video below!

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