Sunday, June 21, 2015


Newsela is a great website for students of all ages.  It is a website that makes news accessible to all students.  News stories are re-written to correspond to different levels of complexity. Each news article is broken down into 5 reading levels ranging from 3rd grade to adult readers.  Teachers can encourage students to read their way up the levels.  For example, many students may begin to read at the 750L level (the lowest) and once they get comfortable reading that text, increase to 800L and so on.  The website also assess students as they read, so that the website can filter articles that are just right for the students.  This is a really awesome site because struggling, average, and advanced readers can all access and understand the same article and have an equal opportunity to contribute in classroom discussions.

Another perk to this website are the quizzes.  The quizzes offer comprehension questions reflecting the material read in the article.  There is also the possibility for a teacher to make annotations.  A teacher can select a piece of the text, leave an annotation, and have the students respond to the annotation.  This way, the teacher can have a better gauge of how the students are doing and make the assignment more personal.  Students can also annotate the text, which helps with comprehension as well.

For more information about Newsela, watch the video below!

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