Tuesday, June 9, 2015

Go Noodle

I teach in a Kindergarten classroom, and I had noticed that many of the children would get antsy after short periods of time.  After doing some research, I came upon the website gonoodle.com.  On this website, a teacher can choose a funny cartoon character to represent the class.  Then, the teacher can pick from various videos for the students to participate in.  The students are able to get up and get moving and “level up” along the way. On this site, there are so many videos to choose from with varying lengths of time.  If you want a short break for your students, you can choose a 1-minute video.  If you have some more time, you can choose a 3-5 minute video.  Once your class earns 10 points, the character grows to be more fit.  I have found these videos to be a great way to get my class moving, which is very important at every age.  It also helps to relax the children for the next lesson. 

I have noticed a huge improvement in my class after introducing them to GoNoodle.  They ask for these brain breaks constantly.  They especially love the Koo Koo Kangaroo videos, and ask for them by name!  The videos are very funny and interactive, but also show the children how to get active.  The only downfall is that I have to remember to set it up in the morning; otherwise it takes about 3-5 minutes just to get going.  On the other hand, those 3-5 minutes are earned back because after the brain break, the students are much more attentive.  These videos can be used with any group of students.  The special education population could benefit from using this app because it gives the children a way to de-stress in the classroom.  Research suggests that physical activity increases oxygen to the brain, which may help enhance the ability to learn. Incorporating physical activity may help to improve memory and concentration. I highly recommend for all teachers to begin doing this with their students.

Here is one of our favorite videos!

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