Saturday, June 20, 2015

iPads in the K Classroom

iPads have become extremely popular in many classrooms.  They are relatively inexpensive, easy to access, and offer a wide variety of apps.  Apple also overs many speech to text and text to speech options, which assist those who have difficulty reading or difficulty writing.  The iPad can also assist those who are visually impaired with their wide variety of audio and visual accommodations.

I began using iPads in my classroom when I realized many of my students were still having difficulty developing their fine motor skills.  I downloaded the Handwriting Without Tears app, which is the program that we use in my classroom.  Instead of students dreading handwriting time, they were excited to get on the iPad and practice their lettering.  I began to notice a huge improvement in their fine motor skills once incorporating iPads daily.  So then I began researching more apps.  The number of academic apps out there is unlimited!

I found many apps for sight word recognition, math skills, and letter sound correspondence games.  Students would choose to play on the iPad for a choice center, and spend their "free time" engaged and learning.  All students can benefits from the many different apps that the app store has to offer.  I think that using iPads in all classrooms could help every student out there!

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